1 min read

man with dream job man with dream life

A long time ago, I met a man whose job was to travel to the most beautiful spots in the world, testing out the Kindle.

Really. The only thing he needed to do was ensure the Kindle worked in each country. Flights, hotels, and food all comped. He got paid well, too.

We met while drinking caipirinhas on a beach in Rio.

The dream job. The dream life. I was so jealous.

It wasn't until later that I found out he'd been engaged to the love of his life a few months prior

And that she died in a car crash just two weeks before the wedding.

Since then, he shuffled around the globe like a zombie, visiting the most spectacular places, eating the most spectacular meals, meeting the most spectacular people.

Not present for anything. Lost in a haze of his grief.

Anyone else's dream, was actually his nightmare.

It taught me that sometimes, the most enviable life is just grief wearing a mask.